USAREC stands for the United States Army Recruiting Command, which is responsible for recruiting soldiers for active and reserve duty in the United States. The Command is headquartered at Fort Knox, Ky., with eight directorates and 14 staff sections.
Throughout the Command’s history, the mission of USAREC has been to recruit high-quality men and women to join the United States Army and its Reserve component. This includes enlisting new Soldiers for active duty and reserve duty and providing training to recruiters.You can check our other army-related essential topics on our website, AKO Offline.
A critical part of the mission is recruiting Soldiers in a way consistent with the Army’s ethos. This means focusing on the core values of the Army: honor, integrity, and loyalty.
Another important aspect of the mission is to help Soldiers and their Families transition to civilian life outside of the military. This can be especially difficult for many Soldiers who have lived in a military community for their entire lives.
One of the challenges that Soldiers face as they begin to transition out of the military is losing benefits they had previously received while serving in the Army. This can happen due to the time it takes for an R.I. investigation to be completed and if a Soldier has been inactive on their assignment while undergoing an R.I. investigation.
These issues can lead to confusion, frustration, and even dissatisfaction among soldiers seeking new employment opportunities. To combat this problem, USAREC has a dedicated team of professionals who can provide information and guidance to assist Soldiers and their Families as they transition into their new civilian careers.
As a leader, you must do everything possible to quash any myths or misperceptions about the Command’s Recruiting Impropriety (R.I.) policies and how they impact recruitment. This can be done by educating Soldiers and recruiting leaders about the R.I. policies and how they apply to the different branches.

U.S. Army Recruiting Command Mission
The mission of USAREC is to recruit and enlist candidates for service in the United States Army and the Army Reserve. This process includes various recruiting and processing activities, including the interviewing, medical and psychological examination, induction, and administrative processing of potential service personnel.
The Command employs over 7200 Active Component and Army Reserve recruiters at more than 1,600 recruiting centers across the U.S. and overseas. The Command is also responsible for recruiting and integrating Army civilians into the recruiting process and providing support for other Federal agencies’ recruiting activities.
Despite the importance of recruiting in the modern Army, a dwindling pool of eligible applicants has created an environment where it is challenging to recruit a sufficient number of Soldiers at the same quality level required for the Army s missions. The Command s leaders are working to improve recruitment by implementing congressional legislation, a modified Total Army Involvement in Recruiting program, enterprise-level contractors, and sustained leadership.
Serves as the senior NCO of a Military Recruiting Brigade; provides operational Command and control to 5 Battalions, 16 Companies, and 75 Medical Recruiting Stations spread throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Europe; serves as the primary enlisted advisor to the Brigade Commander on all Soldier, morale and recruiting issues; monitors and influences all aspects of recruiting production to include mission planning, prospecting and the processing of all applicants applying to serve as a commissioned officer in the Army Medical Department or the Chaplain Corps.
Assists the Senior Operations NCO to ensure that all Regular Army and Army Reserve accessions are in compliance with enlistment eligibility programs and policies of current Army Regulations; assists in the development of procedures for requesting exceptions to policy for enlistment; coordinates with HQDA, TRADOC OCAR, USARC, and USAREC in support of the daily accession mission. Assists the Senior Operations NCO in monitoring production indicators and statistics; supervises the enlistment processing of approximately _____ applicants per month.
The Command s leadership is working to optimize the recruiting generating force by focusing on part-time recruitment and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its recruiting practices through “mission modernization.” But that will require changes, such as a more efficient workforce, increased productivity, and better communication among the various parts of the Command. The Command s leaders hope these efforts will improve production and rebalance the Army’s force structure allowance.

What does U.S. Army Recruiting Command do?
USAREC employs more than 15,000 military and civilian personnel to recruit candidates for Army and Army Reserve service. It conducts recruiting activities in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and U.S. facilities overseas.
USAREC’s mission is to bring quality, motivated young men and women into the Army to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States or the Reserve Components. It achieves this mission through various recruiting methods, including recruiting, screening, medical and psychological examinations, induction, and administrative processing of potential service members.
The Command has five Recruiting Brigades, each responsible for recruiting activity throughout their geographic area of operation. Each brigade is commanded by a Major General and assisted by a Deputy Commanding General (Brigadier General) and a Command Sergeant Major.
Each brigade comprises Headquarters, six enlisted recruiting battalions, and two hundred sixty-one companies that provide tactical control at local recruiting stations within their geographic area. Each battalion is staffed with an enlisted recruiting company, a support staff, and approximately 250 Soldiers assigned to local recruiting stations in the communities within their area of responsibility.
Recruiters are selected through an application process that includes tests of ability and aptitude in various areas, such as specialized skills, business management, and leadership. Applicants must also be able to pass physical and mental fitness examinations and a background investigation.
As part of their duty, Soldiers often take part in community outreach and education efforts to encourage qualified youth and adults to apply for Army service. These opportunities include career fairs, career counseling sessions, and various events.
These events are designed to introduce potential Army service members to the military and promote Army culture and values to encourage them to join the force. Typically, these events are free and open to the public.
USAREC also offers the Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP), which allows enlisted Soldiers to return to their hometowns to assist recruiters by sharing their experience during Advanced Individual Training or One Station Unit Training and Army Civilian Acquired Skills Training with high school classmates, future Soldiers, veterans, and local community leaders. Interested Soldiers can volunteer to participate in HRAP by submitting a DA Form 31 through their chain of Command or directly with the recruiting battalion executive officer.

USAREC Responsibilities
USAREC, located at Fort Knox, Kentucky, provides strategic Command and support to the Army’s recruiting force of more than 400 officers, enlisted members, and civilian employees. The headquarters complex and the personnel working there are managed by a Headquarters Company commanded by a Captain and assisted by First Sergeants.
The recruiting force is organized into five enlisted recruiting brigades, one medical and chaplain recruiting brigade, a recruiting support brigade, and a training brigade. Each brigade is commanded by a Colonel and assisted by a Command Sergeant Major, a Headquarters Company, and support staff.
As a recruiter, you will work with the Army’s future Soldiers to recruit them into the Active Army or into the Army Reserve. Your responsibilities will include the following:
- Interviewing applicants.
- Processing their application for enlistment.
- Ensuring that they are prepared for the rigors of military training.
You will also be responsible for maintaining the Army’s values and helping future Soldiers to become soldiers that will serve their country proudly.
During an interview, you will convey to potential Soldiers all the various avenues of military service, including career options and their benefits. You will use your knowledge of human behavior, Army programs, recruiting fundamentals, and Soldier skills to engage prospective enlistees and provide them with an understanding of what the Army is all about. You will also ensure that your interviews are effective by using proper time management skills, enforcing timely follow-up, and performing quality control measures.
You will be involved in various recruitment functions and events, such as career fairs, recruitment events, school visits, and other outreach activities. You will work closely with the Army’s Recruiting and Retention School and other USAREC units in preparing and conducting these events.
Your responsibilities will also include managing the battalion’s professional military education order of merit list and all developmental programs. You will be a subject matter expert for all training initiatives at the battalion level. You will assist the brigade in identifying training needs through the Command Inspection Program, field training assistance visits, and follow-ups.
Your responsibilities will also include developing and implementing new brigade training programs and participating in the Brigade Targeting Cell. You will also be a member of the USAREC Mobile Recruiter Training Team. You will be responsible for analyzing training data from the brigade to provide recommendations for the Command’s training plans and guidance.