As the world moves away from paper forms, more and more military paperwork is completed online. This includes the Structured Self Development Level 1, or SSD1, requirement for soldiers to attend Warrier Leader Course. SSD is a web-based military learning system that is an important part of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. Its purpose is to provide a framework for developing leadership and management skills. It also provides a way to assess a soldier’s progress through the PME process.
It is a requirement for all Army active component soldiers to complete Structured Self Development level one, or SSD-1, before they are eligible for promotion to sergeant. It is also a prerequisite for attending Warrior Leader Course. Soldiers who do not complete SSD-1 before attempting to attend WLC will be turned away from the class.
Unlike commercial SSDs, military SSDs are designed to meet the rigorous requirements of military applications. They are built to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures and shocks. They also offer high reliability and long data retention periods.
A military SSD’s security features can protect sensitive information from unauthorized users. For example, it can be programmed to erase itself when the power is cut. It can also be configured to encrypt the data stored on it.
SSDs are a vital component of modern warfare. They store data that controls weapons, drones, and other equipment. The data must be able to survive extreme temperature fluctuations, shocks, and vibrations. To ensure that they can do so, the drives are manufactured using the highest quality components. In addition, they must be able to withstand long-term storage in harsh environments.

How To Get SSD1 in the Army?
Army SSD1 is a course that all soldiers in the military must take. This course is a prerequisite for the Warrier Leader Course (WLC). It is an online course that takes about 10 hours to complete. Once completed, you must submit your certificate of completion to your unit.
If you are an active-duty soldier, you will get paid for completing this course as part of your regular training allowance. However, you will not be paid for this training if you are in the Army Reserve or National Guard. Instead, you will earn Inactive Duty Training Retirement Points for completing the course.
For every eight hours of EBDL coursework that you successfully complete, you will receive one paid Additional Training Assembly (drill period) and one IDT duty retirement point. To ensure that you’re getting the correct amount of pay, check your AARTS transcript and Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATCTS) transcript for Army SSD1 and ensure you are receiving the right amount of pay. You can also contact the ATCTS help desk if you have any questions.
How Many Hours is SSD 1?
SSDs are built with storage memory, called NAND flash. Each type of NAND has a different MTBF, which indicates how many hours the drive can be used before it starts to fail. This doesn’t mean the specific model will last that many hours, but rather that errors will happen at a certain rate in a sample set of that kind of SSD.
According to the Army HRC website, each eight-hour block of successfully completed EBDL course work earns a soldier one paid additional training assembly (drill period) and 10 extra Inactive Duty Training Retirement Points for the year. This makes SSD 1 worth 80 hours of study. Most active-duty soldiers will complete this during regular drills and yearly training. However, Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers may be compensated for their completion of EBDL courses on non-training days.