The DoD Automated Time Attendance and Production System is an online system that allows DOD (Army, Air Force, USMC) civilian employees to input their time. It also helps them submit leave forms. ATAAPS is hosted by DISA as an Enterprise Service, and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) serve as the software vendor. It is the Air Force’s single input source for reporting and collecting time and attendance, and labor data to interfacing payroll and accounting systems.
The DoD Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS) is a great way for your organization to track the most important metrics – your employees’ work hours. It is also a fantastic way to provide you with the tools you need to make informed payroll decisions. ATAAPS is a comprehensive application designed to help you and your team manage a complex workforce and capture labor hours by job order or task. Ataaps also makes tracking employee and departmental activities much easier and helps keep your employees happy, healthy, and engaged. Log in to Ataaps using your WSMR employee ID and password to get started. Once logged in, click on the “Click here to view your schedule” tab on your screen’s left side.
If you have any questions about Ataaps, please don’t hesitate to contact your HR department. They will be happy to help! WSMR is always looking to improve the experience of our employees and their families. To that end, we have a robust employee assistance program, a dedicated employee resource center, and a plethora of learning tools to keep you on the cutting edge of technology.

What is the Ataaps in the army?
The DoD Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS) is an application civilian employees use to accurately record time and attendance while capturing labor hours by job order. ATAAPS also allows leave requests to be submitted to the appropriate individuals for approval. ATAAPS is hosted by DISA as an Enterprise Service, and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) serve as the software vendor. It is a single source input for reporting and collecting time and attendance (T&A) and labor data for passing that information to interfacing payroll systems such as DCPS and accounting systems such as GFEBS.
A major benefit of ATAAPS is that it takes a step toward eliminating antiquated manual timekeeping practices. It provides employees a single, convenient, and easy-to-use source to access their T&A reports online and enter their accepted time into ATAAPS every pay period. As a result, employees will be more accurate in submitting their timecards. Supervisors can also verify the accuracy of employee timesheets using ATAAPS and certify the employee’s input.
ATAAPS also provides a means for civilian employees to request annual and sick leave. Upon receipt of the request, a supervisor will approve or disapprove it based on the appropriate criteria and send the employee an email notifying them of their approval or disapproval. In addition to being a great tool for requesting leave, ATAAPS is also a valuable resource for providing employee training and development opportunities. The ATAAPS Web site has many resources available to help employees learn more about the benefits they receive, how to use the program, and other topics.
ATAAPS is used by Army, Air Force, and USMC Civilian employees to accurately record time and attendance (e.g., leave, overtime, compensatory time off, wellness) while capturing labor hours by job order. It also allows leave requests to be submitted to the proper individuals for their approval. ATAAPS is also a useful communication tool for Soldiers, civilians, retirees, and family members. It includes Ask the Garrison Commander and a variety of other features.

Who uses Ataaps?
ATAAPS is a web-based application that provides online entry, update, concurrence, and certification of time and attendance data for civilian employees of various DoD agencies. It directly interfaces with the Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS). ATAAPS is used by civilian employees to accurately record time and attendance, including leave, overtime, compensatory time off, wellness, and labor hours by job order. The system minimizes input workload and ensures data is entered correctly.
Supervisors at White Sands Missile Range attended a monthly supervisory lunch and learned session via TEAMS on June 6 with an ATAAPS subject matter expert, Teresa Hallager, who provided information on how to accurately record time and attendance. She also provided a review of the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act and how to submit leave requests in ATAAPS.
The 50th Space Wing at Schriever Air Force Base will implement ATAAPS on Nov. 3 to replace its existing manual timekeeping process. This implementation will take approximately one year to complete. It is expected to include a significant amount of training for all users of the system.
ATAAPS will be a central system to record and maintain all labor and time data for payroll interface and accounting systems in the long term. It will allow for a single source input of time and attendance information, which will reduce the number of manual timekeeping tasks. ATAAPS will be used by all employees to enter time and attendance information, including leave, overtime, and comp time. Supervisors will certify the data to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.
Supervisors will approve leave and comp time requests and certify the accuracy of timecard information input by their employees. This will help instill a “duty of care” by requiring employees to enter their work timecards accurately and completely.
Management will respond to employee concerns that may arise regarding timecard accuracy by providing them with additional training if necessary. However, discipline will not be avoided for deliberate, knowledgeable, or willful falsification of time and attendance data.
This MOA authorizes the implementation of FMS JONs within ATAAPS for AFLCMC to capture Foreign Military Sales (FMS) hours for accounting purposes. Use of FMS JONs outside of AFLCMC personnel supporting FMS is subject to separate negotiation.

How do I log into Ataaps?
The ATAAPS website and its predecessor, the Performance Labor Accounting System (PLAS), have been reimagined for the modern age and now function as an enterprise service hosted by DISA and provided by DFAS. ATAAPS also provides an innovative way to record and report leave.
ATAAPS combines timekeeping and time card coding into a single, easy-to-use application. A slew of new features makes it the envy of its counterparts.
For those of you who have never logged into ATAAPS, the first step is to click the CREATE ACCOUNT button on the home page. You will be prompted to enter your user ID, password, and other relevant information. From there, you’ll be able to navigate the ATAAPS website with ease. The ATAAPS site also boasts a nifty mobile app, making the process even easier. You can always contact your ATAAPS account manager if you have any problems.